Paper 227 - Session title: Opening & New Missions
09:45 Observing the Changing Anthropocene: the Needs, the Evolving Observing System and Opportunities for New Space
Burrows FRS, John P. University of Bremen, Germany
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Paper 257 - Session title: Opening & New Missions
10:05 Sentinel-5 Precursor Mission Status and First Results
Zehner, Claus (1); Veefkind, Pepijn (2); Loyola, Diego (3); Aben, Ilse (4); Van Roozendael, Michel (5); Dehn, Angelika (1); Martin, Jolyon (1); Houghton, Nigel (1) 1: ESA/ESRIN, Italy; 2: KNMI, The Netherlands; 3: DLR, Germany; 4: SRON, The Netherlands; 5: BIRA/IASB, Belgium
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Paper 280 - Session title: Opening & New Missions
09:00 Welcome address
Geist, Thomas FFG, Austria
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Paper 281 - Session title: Opening & New Missions
09:15 ESA Earth Observation Satellites for Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics
Borgeaud, Maurice ESA/ESRIN, Italy
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Paper 282 - Session title: Opening & New Missions
09:30 ATMOS-2018 Introduction and Objectives
Retscher, Christian ESA/ESRIN, Italy
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Paper 283 - Session title: Opening & New Missions
10:20 Status of ESA's Doppler Wind Lidar mission Aeolus
Fehr, Thorsten ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands
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Opening & New Missions
Back2018-11-26 09:00 - 2018-11-26 10:35
Chairs: Retscher, Christian - Borgeaud, Maurice